
Test drive unlimited vehicle transport Paper 4

Test drive unlimited vehicle transport

Test drive unlimited car transport paper 4

Test drive paper 4

Q. No. 1   Who is the best person to decide whether a medicine might affect your driving?  

Option-1st: You  
Option-2nd: Your driving instructor  
Option-3rd: Your doctor or a pharmacist

Q. No. 2   Driving at your best condition means  

Option-1st: not driving when sleepy or tired.  
Option-2nd: choosing the best routes.  
Option-3rd: not driving when in doubt of way.

Q. No. 3   Looking at the diagram, if vehicle A stops now, vehicle B may crash into it. How could the risk of a crash like this be avoided?  

Option-1st: Both vehicles need to travel at a speed that will allow them to stop safely at an intersection.  
Option-2nd: Vehicle A speeds up to cross the intersection on the orange light.  
Option-3rd: Vehicle B overtakes vehicle A before the intersection.

Q. No. 4   Driving under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous because  

Option-1st: alcohol is not allowed at all  
Option-2nd: the following distance becomes less  
Option-3rd: judging the driving risks become more difficult

Q. No. 5   You start losing focus and drift on across other lane, it is time to  

Option-1st: take a pill to stay focused on driving  
Option-2nd: take time to open your windows  
Option-3rd: take a break from your driving

Q. No. 6   Vehicles A and B have collided. The most likely cause of the collision is that  

Option-1st: vehicle B was following vehicle A too closely.  
Option-2nd: vehicle A was travelling too quickly.  
Option-3rd: Vehicle A stopped too quickly.

Q. No. 7   Which vehicle must give way?  

Option-1st: Vehicle A  
Option-2nd: Vehicle B  
Option-3rd: The vehicle that gets to the intersection last

Q. No. 8   When is vehicle A permitted to overtake vehicle B?  

Option-1st: Never  
Option-2nd: Only when the road ahead is clear  
Option-3rd: Only when vehicle B moves to the right

Q. No. 9   Which vehicle must give way?  

Option-1st: Vehicle A  
Option-2nd: Vehicle B  
Option-3rd: The vehicle that gets to the intersection last

Q. No. 10   Drivers using mobile phones  

Option-1st: Commit same mistakes again and again.  
Option-2nd: Commit mistakes in judgment.  
Option-3rd: Commit several violations.

Q. No. 11   You are driving along a road with overhead lane signals as shown in the diagram. Which lane are you permitted to use?  

Option-1st: Any lane  
Option-2nd: A lane under a red X  
Option-3rd: Any lane under a green or white arrow

Q. No. 12   What is one way of telling that you are becoming more skilled as a driver?  

Option-1st: You need less advice from your driving instructor.  
Option-2nd: You have lessons more often.  
Option-3rd: You adjust the radio while driving.

Q. No. 13   People walking along or crossing the roads  

Option-1st: should be warned with strong sound of horn.  
Option-2nd: should be told by the enforcement people to stay away from cars.  
Option-3rd: should be considered as among the many hazards on the road.

Q. No. 14   You are driving vehicle A and the biker is about to cross your path, what should you do?  

Option-1st: Lookout for the biker and be ready to stop if necessary  
Option-2nd: Drive on, biker does not have the priority  
Option-3rd: Swerve to the left to avoid the biker

Q. No. 15   You are driving vehicle A. How should you manage the driving risk?  

Option-1st: Complete your turn quickly.  
Option-2nd: Wait until you can see where the cyclist is going.  
Option-3rd: Wait until the car behind you sounds their horn.

Q. No. 16   In which of these places are you not permitted to overtake?  

Option-1st: Along straight roads  
Option-2nd: At intersections and roundabouts  
Option-3rd: Along industrial zone

Q. No. 17   The traffic light turns green, this means  

Option-1st: You may move off  
Option-2nd: You may proceed if safe to do so  
Option-3rd: You may proceed after 1 second.

Q. No. 18   Inexperienced drivers have increased chances of crash risk because  

Option-1st: they have improved driving skills  
Option-2nd: they are always in a hurry  
Option-3rd: they are less able to predict possible problems

Q. No. 19   You are the driver of vehicle A. You are parked and about to enter the stream of traffic. You must give way to  

Option-1st: the bike rider only.  
Option-2nd: vehicle B only.  
Option-3rd: both the bike rider and vehicle B.

Q. No. 20   How long does it take to learn to be a good driver?  

Option-1st: About 15 hours of driving practice  
Option-2nd: About 6 months of driving practice  
Option-3rd: Many years of driving practice

Q. No. 21   This traffic sign means  

Option-1st: Priority over oncoming vehicles  
Option-2nd: Pass either side  
Option-3rd: Give way to oncoming vehicles

Q. No. 22   How do you avoid aquaplaning?  

Option-1st: By increasing the air pressure in your tyres.  
Option-2nd: By slowing down, increasing following distance and travelling in middle lanes if possible  
Option-3rd: By not travelling in the tracks of the vehicle in front of you

Q. No. 23   This traffic sign mean drivers are  

Option-1st: prohibited from exceeding 80 kph speed limit  
Option-2nd: warned not to exceed the 80 kph speed limit  
Option-3rd: informed of the speed limit ahead.

Q. No. 24   Which vehicle can overtake?  

Option-1st: Vehicle A  
Option-2nd: Vehicle B  
Option-3rd: Both, vehicle A and vehicle B can overtake if the road ahead is clear.

Q. No. 25   You are overtaking. One way to know when it is safe to return to your lane is  

Option-1st: to turn on your left indicator for 5seconds.  
Option-2nd: to wait until you see both headlights of the vehicle you have overtaken in your rear  
Option-3rd: to continue straight ahead until you are at least 300 meters ahead of the vehicle that you have overtaken.

Q. No. 26   This sign means must keep to the left  


Q. No. 27   Which of these signs mean you must travel on the direction of arrow?  


Q. No. 28   Foggy conditions can be patchy, this means  

Option-1st: fog is clearing in some areas but foggy again in some areas  
Option-2nd: Fog is consistently dense in some areas.  
Option-3rd: fog has cleared, it is time to speed up.

Q. No. 29   Proper use of indicators will show  

Option-1st: You take into consideration all other road users.  
Option-2nd: You are being patient.  
Option-3rd: You are giving way to others.

Q. No. 30   Which vehicle should signal to leave the roundabout if practical?  

Option-1st: Vehicle A only  
Option-2nd: Vehicle B only  
Option-3rd: Both vehicle A and vehicle B

Q. No. 31   In case of breakdown, where is the proper place for the warning triangle?  

Option-1st: 50m away from the car, in the direction of approaching traffic.  
Option-2nd: 40m away from the car, in the direction of approaching traffic.  
Option-3rd: 30m away from the car, in the direction of approaching traffic.

Q. No. 32   Speeding increases the risk of a crash because  

Option-1st: it slows your reflexes.  
Option-2nd: it increases the number of road hazards.  
Option-3rd: the faster you drive, the longer it takes to stop.

Q. No. 33   Signaling when lane changing is important because  

Option-1st: it helps reduce crash risks  
Option-2nd: it helps reduce braking distance  
Option-3rd: it helps reduce brake wear

Q. No. 34   After passing through flood, it is best to have your car checked because,  

Option-1st: The car's sensitive electronics may malfunction.  
Option-2nd: The car navigation system may malfunction.  
Option-3rd: Most modern cars cannot be driven through flood.

Q. No. 35   You are driving vehicle A. What is difficult to judge when you want to overtake?  

Option-1st: The speed of vehicle B  
Option-2nd: The speed of vehicle C  
Option-3rd: The speed you are doing


Test drive unlimited vehicle transport Papers

Test drive unlimited vehicle transport Test drive unlimited vehicle transport Papers The Test drive unlimited vehicl...